This page is neither an official publication of the SCA Ltd (Australia) or the SCA nor is its content meant to convey official SCA policy.
30 November 2020 – Incoming Provost
Welcome to the new Provost of the College of Scribes, Mistress Leonie de Grey. Official hand over will happen shortly.
Scroll tracking progress 2020 (Nov 2020)
Provosts and Signets all over the Knowne World keep track of the number of scrolls completed during the year and advise the Knowne World A&S Office. Although it has been a very challenging year and many scribal groups have had limited or no contact for much of it, Lochac scribes have still been very productive and have completed over sixty award scrolls already this year! Well done Lochac Scribes!
22 September 2020 – Applicants for Provost sought
It is time for someone new to take on the role of Provost. Applications are being sought until 15 October 2020. If interested, please review the duties of the role on the Role of the Provost page and send applications outlying experience and goals to
September 2020 – Return to face to face activities
As groups begin to return to face to face SCA activities (and Virtual Gatherings continue for other groups) we will begin to see more completed award scrolls given out. Thank you all for your hard work during the suspension! It has been a challenging year but at least now the populace can start to enjoy the fruits of your labours in person again.
Knowne World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium 11-12 July 2020
By the grace of Dame Juliana, Laurel Queen of Arms, the Kingdom of Lochac has been chosen to host the Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (KWHSS) in July 2020. Please see
** Update** Due to the coronavirus COVID 19 pandemic forcing the cancellation of face to face events, a virtual event has been approved to go live on July 11-12th 2020. We are accepting many different formats of submissions this year. Articles in pdf format, clips for putting up on the SCA Lochac channel on Youtube as well as live Zoom lessons which will be recorded.
All articles for the Proceedings are to be submitted by July 24th, 2020.
The event will start at 8:30am AEST/UTC+10 July 11, for Opening Court with Their Majesties King Theuderic II and Queen Engelin II. This then follows a few housekeeping announcements and into the event!
Opening Court is being livestreamed on YouTube at:
13 March 2020 – Implementation of Covid-19 restrictions
The Seneschalate has released information regarding the suspension of face-to-face SCA activities in Lochac. Please see for more information.
Although we cannot meet face-to-face at the moment, we can continue to work on scribal assignments. If you need help or advice, have questions, or just need a friendly listener, please contact the Provost at
Canterbury Fair 2020
January 2020 – Canterbury Fair (Southron Gaard, New Zealand) ” An Agrarian Affair” has scribal activities on the A&S schedule.
Scriptorium at Festival
March 2019: A Scriptorium has been scheduled for Rowany Festival 2019. Please see the Festival Timetable for details:
Scriptorium at Rowany Festival April 2019
A successful Scriptorium was held at Rowany Festival 2019. Many thanks to those who volunteered to teach and to Lord Federyc de Herle for running the Scriptorium.

Scriptorium at Great Northern War 2019
June 2019: A scriptorium will be held at Great Northern War 8-10 June 2019, coordinated by Lady Kamara Sklerraina. More details at
A new folder for scribal artworks has been set up in the Lochac A&S Discussion Facebook page:
This page is neither an official publication of the SCA Ltd (Australia) or the SCA nor is its content meant to convey official SCA policy