The Lochac College of Scribes recommends the us of Windsor and Newton (W&N) gouache. It is suggested that you start with these colours:
Flame Red Perm 1 Series 1
Permanent Rose Perm A Series 3
Permanent Alizarin Crimson Perm A Series 3
Ultramarine Blue Perm A Series 1
Cadmium Yellow Perm A Series 4
Permanent Green Middle Perm A Series 2 or Permanent Green Series 4
Permanent White Perm A Series 1
Lamp Black Perm AA Series 1
Gold Perm A Series 3

Options to add later:

Cadmium Red (pale), Cadmium Yellow (pale)
Purple lake/Brilliant violet, Windsor Green, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Ochre

W&N Gold Ink , a good shell gold substitute

Gouache is an opaque paint and the pigments are more dense than in water colours. (You can dilute gouache to make water colour.)
Gouache should have a consistency of runny cream or melted ice cream. Paints need to be well mixed with water before starting to paint, and the consistency of the paint needs to be checked during the painting process as well to make sure that the paint has not dried out too much. The medium in the paint is usually gum Arabic mixed with water. Thin your paint with water only (do not add oils etc). Many paint issues such as streakiness, flaking, or buckling paper are a result of the paint not being properly mixed.

Please see the Lochac Scribes Handbook for more information

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